
Why Choose Us


Optimizing your process with better cost efficiency and sustainability.

One-stop Maintenance & Upgrade

Precise Inspection and measurement details in a tracking database.

Create a detailed timeline for parts replacing and upgrading.

Reduce downtime by reminding customers to prepare for maintenance and stock up on necessary spare parts in advance.

Technical experts recommend optimization to increase production efficiency.

Precise Inspection and measurement details in a tracking database.

Create a detailed timeline for parts replacing and upgrading.

Reduce downtime by reminding customers to prepare for maintenance and stock up on necessary spare parts in advance.

Technical experts recommend optimization to increase production efficiency.

This systematic maintenance service benefits customers with reliable traceability, professional support and time saving.

Barrel Reline

To ensure accuracy of rework and reliability of finish barrels, our barrel reline service is offered only for bimetallic barrels made by Bernex. It can be single or twin barrels.

Liner exchange

Bushing Exchange

Upsize & Downsize

Upsizing and downsizing service aimed to optimize the performance of existing injection machines through “remolding” plastification units inside.


Cost efficiency, instead of ordering new machine.

Higher flexibility upon setting, compared with standard unit.

Better suitability to specific process.

A standard machine model may not cover every single request.

Have you ever seen problems like this:

The property of resin, specification of product, process parameter setting can be very different for individual customers. Bernex will comprehensively analyse your injection process, assessing the shot size, product, and target performance, and then suggest the optimal size for refitting your injection unit.

Rheology test

In many cases, the material to process involves compounding with multiple resins and additives. Having a thorough understanding of the resin properties is essential in guiding the improvement of complete line’s performance.

Bernex can help to find out with our rheology test service:

Specialized laboratory method

The viscosity, shear rate, extrusion speed, and melt pressure can be precisely measured at various temperatures.

The data collected will be graphed for easy understanding.

The test result will be shared with the customer.

This is a valuable resource for Bernex to customize design and suggest material selection. It is also beneficial for customers to set up process parameters that optimize performance and production efficiency.
